Home > Sin categoría > Kick-off meeting February 18-19th, 2015, Elche, Spain

Kick-off meeting February 18-19th, 2015, Elche, Spain

The dedicated agenda was:

Welcome (UMH)- Nicolás García Aracil
Presentation of each partner (5 minutes per partner)
General Review of Technical Work Program (UMH)
Review of Technical Work Program by the relevant WP Leaders:
WP2: Requirements And System Specifications (UMH)
WP3: Modular Architecture For The Multimodal Interface (Università Campus Biomedico di Roma)
WP4: Multimodal Sensory Processing For The Estimation Of User’s Intention And Affective State (EKUT)
WP5: User Behaviour Detection And Context Factor Analysis (UPV)
WP6: Shared Human-Machine Control Of Assistive Devices (SSSA)
WP7: System Integration (UMH)
WP8: Experimental Validation In Different Application Scenarios (CEDAR)
During this meeting, a general review of the technical work program was performed. The meeting has been mainly focused in the work program of the first year.

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18 February 2015